CLINIC EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS REQUIRED: Participants should bring their own Laptop & GPS receiver if they have them, owner’s manual, spare batteries, compass, cabling and their Smart phone for the 3 day course. For the Day 1 Clinic bring appropriate clothing and footwear to spend 1-2 hours in the field. Bring notepaper, highlighter, pens and a bag lunch. For the Day 2 Clinic Bring your Smartphone, laptop if you have one and an extension cord for charging, a limited number of laptops may be available for sharing. You will be advise if you will have to load and set up any Apps prior to the Day 2 clinic.
DAY ONE-GPS : Map Reading : Navigation: Recreational grade handheld GPS receivers (i.e: Garmin GPS Map 64st) can be a valuable tool. The course is designed to teach GPS basics in navigation applications, enabling users to get know and have functional use of their GPS unit. The agenda will include basic theory and terminology of the GPS system, and an introduction to mapping concepts such as scale, projections, and coordinate systems along with basic compass navigation. Theory will also include GPS field techniques, a review of accuracy expectations and limitations. The agenda will include a field exercise to practice GPS techniques. The day will conclude in the classroom with a comparison of the features and capabilities of various brands and models and a demonstration of available software and data that provide added functionality.
A limited number of GPS units will be available for use in this course so owning a GPS unit would helpful but please do not buy a unit for this course. Contact Doug King by phone (780) 916-7474 (leave voicemail if no answer) or Email at
As a Prerequisite: The MEC GPS & Map/Compass Free Classes would be helpful but not necessary (GPS Units Supplied at MEC).
Using Your Handheld GPS
DAY TWO–SMARTPHONE MAP APPS : WAYPOINT & TRACK MGMT GOOGLE EARTH: This day will cover some of the Smart Phone Apps that are available and that are useful for basic Navigation in the Backcountry, including how to prepare the Applications for use in the Backcountry. The agenda will also include how to use Google Earth with your GPS unit and how to manage and share your Waypoints and Tracks with respect to Google Earth. Depending on the interests of the Participants the Clinic Agenda could be modified.
The mapping portion of the Clinic will cover Garman’s free Mapping Software, but will be primarily focused on the OziExplorer (Ozi) Software for mapping purposes, however other Software covered will be Garman’s free mapping software BaseCamp. Depending on the interests of the Participants the Clinic Agenda may be modified.
OziExplorer (Ozi) is a full-featured software program that interfaces with most recreational grade handheld GPS receivers. Ozi can be run on desktops, laptops, or PDA’s. It greatly expands the capabilities of your GPS receiver by enabling significant waypoint/track modification and data management. The course will start with fundamentals including how to download waypoints and tracks from your GPS to your computer, or create them with the aid of a background map then upload them to your GPS. The agenda will likely include using Ozi to plan a short exercise around the course location, complete the field GPS portion, download the results and use them to prepare and be able to view or print your own map. You will also be introduced to background maps available and how to incorporate Google air photos and other online maps directly into Ozi. Depending on time limits the agenda may include a demonstration of the program’s moving map capabilities and the 3-D version of Ozi.
Owning a GPS unit would help you get the most out of this day 3 course but please do not buy a unit for this course.
Contact Doug King by phone (780) 916-7474, leave a voice mail or E mail at
As a Prerequisite Have taken the ATRA Day 1 Clinic or be comfortable using a GPS and Navigating by Map.
Using Map Apps & Google Earth
“Using OziExplorer GPS Software and other Software”
DATES AND LOCATIONS: Course dates are:
1) Day 1 Clinic Friday, April 20, 2018
2) Day 2 Clinic Saturday April 21, 2018
3) Day 3 Clinic Sunday April 22, 2018
The location is the South Cooking Lake Seniors Centre 102, 22106 South Cooking Lake Road just off Highway #14 and 0.5 Km NW of Range Road 221 in Strathcona County.
REGISTRATION AND FEES: Registrations for these Clinics are limited to 12 Current ATRA Members for Day 1&2, and 10 Current ATRA Members for Day 3. The minimum enrolment for each Clinic to run is 7, unless otherwise determined by the ATRA Board. Registration will be on a first come basis and will be effective when payment has been received by ATRA’s Treasurer Cindy Hanas.
Registration Fees Are:
1) MEC GPS and/or Map/Compass: Free recommended prerequisite.
2) Day 1 & 2 : $60.00/person/day
3) Day 1,2 & 3 : $160.00/person for 3 days
If the minimum number of registrations are not received by March 30, 2018 the Clinics will be offered to non ATRA members.
For more information please contact Doug King by phone (780) 916-7474, leave a voicemail or E mail.
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Dugald Dunlop, B.Sc. After spending 10 years in the mineral exploration industry Dugald has spent the last 24 years applying his training and experience to computer mapping in a broad range of Recreational, Tourism, Forestry, Fish & Wildlife and Natural Resource based applications. He has been using GPS since 1994 and is Resource Inventory Committee certified as a GPS Data Processor/Project Manager. Dugald is currently a partner in the Vernon and Nanaimo B.C. based mapping company Meridian Mapping. The Company offer services in GPS Training, GPS Surveys, Terrain Mapping/Modeling, GIS Projects, Data Mgmt and more.
The Mountain Equipment Co-op in Downtown Edmonton (MEC) has free (Recomended prerequisite) courses some Saturdays. New MEC location: 11904 104 Avenue Edmonton. (780) 488-6614